Saturday, March 14, 2009


適度な辛味があ り、料理を引き立たせる風味の100%天然ハバネロ・ソースを紹介します。

Sista TMは料理好きな人や美食家が何度も味わいたくなるようなパナマ-カリブ海風のハバネロ・ソースです。

当ALISINA, S.A.社は極めて質の高い天然原料を使用してSista TMを製造しております。

Sista TM は人工防腐剤・調味料・着色料・保存料・凝固剤は一切使用しておりません。人工的な原料は経費削減や増産を目的に使用される一方で製品の質を落とします。



Sista TM は様々な料理に応用する上で無限の可能性があります。

Sistaの裏 話

友達や家族に愛情を込めて「シスタ」と呼ばれているエルシ・ブラク・ウオンはパナマ国のコロン町にアジア系とジャマイカの両親の間で生まれました。シスタの最初のレシピはカリブ伝統的な家庭料理のレシピをアレンジしたものでした。その後70年間、シスタは地元のホット・ペッパーとスパイスを利用してこの 100%天然原料のパナマ・カリブ海のレシピを完成しました。当初はシスタがコロン町にいた家族や友達にソースを配っていましたが、またたく間に話題となり注文が入ってきました。



現在、元のレシピはまだ存在しており、シスタの方法と同じように作られています。『Sista 100 % Natural Pepper Sauce』はパナマ国のパナマ市で輸出向けとして生産されています。


Sista 100 % Natural Pepper Sauce


電話 : 507 265-0083 / 507 317-0679
携帯: 507 6711-5756 / 507 6689-3010
ニューヨーク: 718 701-1593

Ciudad del Sa

ber, Technoparque #182, Clayton. Republic of Panama

Licda. Dosita Wilson Bryan
Litha Wilson, BS, MS

About Sista TM

ALISINA, S.A. presents Sista TM...

100% Natural Pepper Sauce
Authentic Panamanian-Caribbean Flavor

Introducing the 100% Natural Pepper Sauce with just the Right Amount of “Heat” and Plenty of Flavor to Enhance All Culinary Creations

Sista TM is a new flavorful Panamanian-Caribbean style pepper sauce that will keep home chefs and connoisseurs’ alike coming back for more.
At ALISINA, S.A. we believe in using all-natural high quality ingredients to produce Sista TM.
Fresh "Aji Chombo"
(Scotch Bonnet/Habanero Peppers),
and Spices...
help create this Authentic Habanero blend that gives it a high “utility rate” - it’s good on or in just about everything.

Sista TM has no artificial colors, flavors, additives, preservatives, or gums. These chemical processes are often used to cut costs and increase volume, while reducing the overall quality of the product.

In addition to being all-natural and having an exquisite flavor, the Capsaicin found in hot peppers has many health benefits:
heart-healthy effects,
gastric relief,
sinus soother,
fat burner,
and more.
( Superfood No. 7)

Sista TM can be used with all your dishes (soups, fish, seafood, meats, poultry, rice, salads, salsas & dips, sandwiches, vegetables, fruits, and more.)

The possibilities are endless!

Sista's Story

Elsie Black Wong (affectionately called Sista by all family and friends) was born in Colon, Republic of Panama of Jamaican/Asian parentage. Sista first created her family recipe to enhance the flavor of her traditional Caribbean style of cooking. Sista used local peppers and spices to perfect this true Panamanian-Caribbean 100% natural recipe for over 70 years. Sista began to give her pepper sauce to many friends and family in the Colon community. Soon after, the sauce began to spread throughout the community and the request for orders began.

Sista passed on the valuable family recipe to her son Alberto and his family. Sista taught her family the details of preserving the family recipe and the process of producing a perfect, consistent batch of pepper sauce by hand.

The Family began producing batches of the sauce in Panama and bringing it to Brooklyn, NY to give to friends and family in the local Panamanian Community. It was a hit. The Panamanian New Yorkers began asking for bottles of the flavorful sauce.

Today, the original recipe is still alive and is crafted virtually the same way as Sista did in the beginning. The sauce is currently manufactured in Panama, Republic of Panama for exportation.

Contact ALISINA, S.A.

Sista 100 % Natural Pepper Sauce


tel: 507 265-0083 / 507 317-0679
cel: 507 6711-5756 / 507 6689-3010
NY: 718 701-1593

Ciudad del Saber, Technoparque #182, Clayton. Republic of Panama

Licda. Dosita Wilson Bryan- Presidenta
Litha Wilson, BS, MS- CEO